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Our Partners

Szenen - Institut für Psychodrama, Cologne, Germany

Szenen Institute is focused on training of professionals to train psychotherapist in the humanistic approach of psychodrama. It has 8 psychodrama trainers, and 4 of them are specialized on training psychodrama with children. Szenen Institute has ca. 90 students. Szenen Institute is a member of the Federation of the European Psychodrama Organisations (FEPTO). Szenen Institute is also member of the Federation of the German Psychodrama Association (DFP)

Center for Child Development and Psychological Consulting Cognitiva, Sofia, Bulgaria

Center “Cognitiva” is focused on improving the well-being of both adults and children. The staff of the center consists of 12 child psychologists and one speech therapist and they provide individual consultations and psychotherapy for children and parents in both group and individual settings, summer schools for children based on psychodrama with children approach, psychodiagnostics, etc.

Institute for Psychodrama Practices “Chiron”, Sofia, Bulgaria

Institute “Chiron” is a training institute for professionals to train psychotherapists in humanistic approach of psychodrama and the different branches in it – classical psychodrama, Jungian psychodrama, psychodrama in business organisations, psychodrama with children. Institute “Chiron” is a member of the Bulgarian Society for Psychodrama and Group Therapy and of the Federation of the European Psychodrama Organisations (FEPTO).

Institute for Psychodrama Practices “Chiron”, Sofia, Bulgaria

Helsinki Psychodrama Institute was co-founded by Sirkku Aitolehti, TEP, in 1992 with other psychodrama trainers. It is a member of Nordic Board of Examiners since 1996 and FEPTO since 2011. Helsinki Psychodrama Institute is actively participating in international cooperation in developing the theory and practice of psychodrama. It has coordinated international projects like Inspirational pedagogy (2013-2014, funded by Nordic Council of Ministers), and EBTS-Trainings (2017-2019, funded by Erasmus+Adult Education). It is active both in NBE and FEPTO.

In the institute, we train psycho- and sociodrama, axiodrama and sociometry, supervision (organisational counselling), and coaching based on these. A new field of application is working with researchers on climate change on different levels: society, communities, groups, individuals, and the whole world.

Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts, Tel Aviv, Israel

Founded in 1939, Kibbutzim College is an initiative of Israel’s collective kibbutz movement to establish a training seminar for school and pre-school teachers. Its educational approach is based on teaching as an ensemble encompassing the school, the community, and the natural world.

Today we are Israel’s largest academic college, with over 6,000 students each year in a variety of innovative study programs in the field of education.

The goal is to train broad-minded, values-oriented, and influential educators who will be able to bring meaningful innovative projects and reforms into the education system.

The college offers a wide range of degrees and specializations for B.Ed and M.Ed degrees, as well as retraining of academics for teaching, and a selection of other training programs and continuing education courses.