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Greeting from Alfons Aichinger, the Founder of Psychodrama with Children in Germany

Message of Greeting 

Giving children a voice in stressful situations, communicating with them about their problems and giving them a space for their development is a high art, but also a deeply touching and moving experience. Child psychodrama, which I have been advocating for 45 years, is like no other child therapy method and is not only children-friendly, but also child-oriented. It is the royal road to children. I am therefore filled with great joy that Milena and Stefan are highly competent in spreading this approach internationally and have found the InterPlay Institute for this purpose. Here, therapists receive the enriching further training to understand the basic needs of children and to care these needs when they are hurt and short-changed in a fulfilling way. They acquire the ability to do better justice to children in their complexity through the magic power of the child psychodramatic symbolic play and to help them gain friendly access to their colourful inner world.

I wish the InterPlay Institute a good start and a successful future in spreading this approach of child psychodrama to many countries. And may the enrichment through the intercultural encounters, the intercultural interaction, and the different play cultures promote a further development of child psychodrama.

Alfons Aichinger