Register for the 4th International Training Group for Psychodrama with Children
Become a certified Psychodrama Therapist with Children!
We are happy to announce that registration for our 4th International Training Group for Psychodrama with Children is now open!
Here’s just a small sample of what you’ll discover during the child psychodrama training:
-Satisfy the basic needs of children and your own ones
-Learn the main principles of symbolic play in individual and group settings
-Special interventions for anxious, aggressive, and traumatized children
-Meet your resistant inner child
-Become a member of an international group
-And much, much more!
Learn the main principles of symbolic play with children, both in theory and in practice, by experiencing yourself in analogous play situations and “playfully” reinforcing your personal skills.
The training is based on the theory of Jacob L. Moreno and his work on developing the psychodramatic method, which incorporates the natural language of children: play. Child psychodrama supports the self-development and personal advancement of children in a special way.
We welcome you warmly to our training group and cannot wait to meet you on the international play stage!
The training covers the full standards for Psychodrama for Children and Youth, accepted by FEPTO (Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations), which you can read more about here.
If you are interested and would like to sign up, you can do so by filling out the following form: