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Structure of the training

The duration of the training is 8 weeks (5 days each, 50 hours each training, in total 400 hours) in ongoing group that will be conducted for 4 years.



The topics of the continuing education series are:

Week 1 – 5 days Topic: Introduction to Psychodrama with Children

1.      Self-experience in a child role

2.      Understanding children’s play

3.      Theory of Psychodrama with children. Basic needs

a.       Strengthening of the attachment and safety

b.      Strengthening of the self-efficacy

c.       Strengthening of the self-esteem

d.      Satisfaction of joy

4.      PART work with children with animal figures (individual first interview)


Week 2 – 5 days Topic: Psychodrama with Children in Group Settings

1.      Initial phase and group dynamics

a.       How to start a group – Magic Island and Animal Farm

2.      Negotiation of the scenario.

3.      Spontaneous play session.

4.      Interventions how to become friends and to promote group cohesion.


Week 3 – 5 days Topic: Disorder Specific Interventions

1.      Psychodrama with anxious children.

a.       Interventions in groups

b.      Interventions in individual therapy

2.      Psychodrama with aggressive children.

a.       Interventions in groups

b.      Interventions in individual therapy


Week 4 – 5 days Topic: How to work with Traumatised Children

1.      What is trauma? Brain mechanisms underlying trauma.

2.      Psychodrama with traumatized children.

a.       Interventions in group and individual therapy

3.      Trauma stabilization for mothers and children ( Evidence Based Trauma Stabilisation Programme)


Week 5 – 5 days Topic: Family Psychodrama with Children. Difficult Issues in Groups.

1.      Family psychodrama with children

2.      PART work in case of separation/divorce (individual)

3.      Dealing with difficult issues in the group (acting, sexual issues, etc.)

4.      Closure of groups and group dynamic


Week 6 – 5 days Topic: Psychodrama with Adolescents

1.      Group therapy with young people

2.      Sociometry and Sociodrama

3.      Live supervision


Week 7 – 5 days Topic: Psychodrama in Schools and kindergartens

1.      Resilience promotion in kindergartens and schools

2.      Research in psychodrama a with children

3.      Live supervision


Week 8 – 5 days Topic: Colloquium

1.      Live supervision

2.      Colloquium

3.      Diploma ceremony


Training management:

Stefan Flegelskamp

Graduate social worker, child and adolescent psychotherapist, Psychodrama trainer for adults and children, Supervisor. Director of Institute of Psychodrama SZENEN (Cologne, Germany)

Assoc. Prof. Milena Mutafchieva, PhD

Psychologist, Psychodrama therapist for adults and children, Associate Professor in Cognitive Science and Psychology Department in New Bulgarian University, Sofia. Psychodrama trainer for adults and children. Mutafchieva is the founder and the head of Centre for Child Development and Psychological Consulting “Cognitiva”, Sofia, Bulgaria.